Isabelle Bonzom completed her DNSEP, a Doctorate level degree, from École Régionale des Beaux-Arts de Rennes and her post-doctorate studies at École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts de Paris. At Sorbonne, Université Paris I, she majored in art history, modern and contemporary arts and architecture and pictural techniques and also studied sculpture, painting and fresco painting. She began her first exhibition in 1987 and soon after gained fame as an international artist through more than thirty solo and group exhibitions. Her exhibition at Chapelle de la Salpêtrière, Paris in 1999 and her mural paintings at the Prison of Saint-Malo, Brittany are perhaps are most representative of her work. Recently, she has been gaining international attention for her mural paintings.
Adel Lee majored in western painting and costume design at Dongduk Women's University, and has held four solo and twenty-one group exhibitions.
Kang Mi-ro majored in textile arts at Ewha Womans University, completed her M.F.A. at Long Island University in the U.S., and has had three solo and thirty group exhibitions.
Lee Sang-mi, director of Lee Sang-eui Art, said, "It is an exhibition prepared as a space to think again about who we are, what we are through these three contemporary artists," adding, "It will also be a meaningful time for all of us to commplete the year by looking into the artists' process of growth through their artistic creations."
LEESANG ART Co. is open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Mondays and Fridays and is closed or available only through reservation on Saturdays. Exhibition entry and docent tours are free. For more information, visit the LEESANG ART Co. website at For inquiries, call 070-4949-2998.